This plugin fixes and adds some useful modifications to the Divi Theme by Elegant Themes. This is a very lightweight plugin with minified css to reduce the loading time as low as possible.
Surbma – Divi extrák plugin features:
- Featured menu style, as seen here in the menu: Monarch plugin demo
- Logo width fix for mobile view. If you don’t use the search function, the logo will be bigger, as it has more space in the header.
- Removes ugly list icons in the footer.
- Hide comment allowed tags block.
xtra classes for the Menu items
featured-menu If you want to have a menu item with a colored background, that really shines in your menu bar, just add this class to your menu item. The best part of it is, that the background color will be the same, what you have set as the Accent Color in the Customizer. Wow!
You have to buy the Divi Theme to use this plugin:
- Divi by Elegant Themes (affiliate link)
My plugins for Divi theme:
- Surbma – Divi & Gravity Forms
- Surbma – Divi Project Shortcodes
- Surbma – Divi extrák
My childthemes for Divi theme:
Divi Extra
Do you want to contribute or help improving this plugin?
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